Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, Eta Omega Omega Chapter Records
Eta Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated® provides volunteer services to vulnerable and underserved communities. One of the first programs started by the chapter was a garden project at the Southeast Neighborhood Center for developmentally disabled adults. Since then, the chapter has initiated several other service projects, including Impact Days, Earth Day and Akarosa Adopt A Highway beautification initiatives, financial literacy workshops, Alzheimer's awareness projects, mental health support projects, and healthy heart initiatives. The chapter also spearheads the MLK Day of Service project, various toy drives, collaborative Global Impact Day with South Africa and St, Croix members as well as a host of other programs that demonstrate a strong commitment to serving the Bronx community. In addition to serving the community, members also participate in weekly prayer calls, leadership enrichment opportunities, membership and sisterly relations activities that are intergenerational, like book, movie, exercise, and travel clubs. Eta Omega Omega chartered Xi Xi chapter, an undergraduate chapter at Lehman College on June 25, 1983, and members of that chapter have participated in many of the projects.
Eta Omega Omega chapter's signature program is the Rites of Passage Mentoring Program. This program provides high school girls with year-long intensive workshops on personal development, ancestral history, interpersonal relations, etiquette, and goal setting. Since 1991 this program has guided young girls towards their transition into womanhood by fostering a sense of responsibility, sisterhood, and self-pride. The chapter will continue the Rites of Passage Program in collaboration with ((#CAP℠), the current administration’s College Admissions Process program ((#CAP℠), designed to assist students in their efforts to enter college.
As a result of the work that Eta Omega Omega has done, the chapter has earned many national and international accolades and awards. Some awards earned were Small and Medium Chapter of the Year, the Spirit Award, Membership, Connection, and Star Award for Outstanding Programs. On a regional level, several chapter members have been recognized for their outstanding service in leadership. Members were honored as Basileus of the year, Silver Star of the year, Graduate Advisor of the year, and the Idell Pugh Angel Award.
In 1994, the Chapter established a not-for-profit corporation and later changed the name of this corporation to Wheeler, Wilson and Johnson Community Projects, Inc. The corporation was organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within Bronx County. Through the foundation the chapter hosts an annual holiday toy drive, leads peace walks, and donates dorm baskets to students leaving for college. In addition, the Chapter annually gives over $10,000 in scholarships to support youth attending two-year, four year, and HBCU colleges.
As a large-sized chapter, with 129 members, Eta Omega Omega is one of seventeen exceptional graduate chapters in Cluster III of the Notable North Atlantic Region. Many members have moved up in leadership. Eta Omega Omega members have served as Cluster and Regional Committee Chairman and Cluster Co-Coordinators. Chapter member Soror Joy Elaine Daley has served previously as the North Atlantic Regional Director and currently serves as the International Regional Director.
Eta Omega Omega Members continue to exemplify the ideals that Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated® was founded on well over 110 years ago. Through the direction of our 30th International President, Dr. Glenda Glover, the Chapter has implemented the 2018–2022 International Program under the theme, "Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service." The International Program includes five program targets designed to advance the mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha with excellence and underscore a commitment to sustainable service.
The five program targets for 2018–2022 are:
- HBCU for Life: A Call to Action
- Women's Healthcare and Wellness
- Building Your Economic Legacy
- The Arts!
- Global Impact
In addition, Eta Omega Omega members implement International Community Service Days annually to highlight the organization's collective impact in program target areas:
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January)
- Pink Goes Red for Heart Health Day (February)
- AKA Global Impact Day (April)
- AKA International Day of Prayer (August)
- AKA HBCU Day (September)
- Breast Cancer Awareness Day (October)
- AKA Caregivers' Day (November)
Collection Items
Carolyn Bowman with Charter Member Gwendolyn Bland
Silver Star Scrapbook for Carolyn Bowman
Silver Star Scrapbook for Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman and First Pledge Line of Eta Omega Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Carolyn Bowman at Golden Celebration with Chapter Members
Carolyn Bowman at Golden Celebration
Carolyn Bowman at Golden Celebration
Carolyn Bowman at Golden Celebration
Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman with Charter Member Olga Chellis
Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman
Carolyn Bowman at Autumn Frolic
Carolyn Bowman presenting check to Percy Sutton
Carolyn Bowman with Sheila Jackson
Carolyn Bowman with Mary DeChabert
Carolyn Bowman with Laverne D. Best King
Carolyn Bowman at 54th Anniversary of Chapter
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